A Capital Campaign for Father Smith Hall
On December 22, 1963, Fr. Page celebrated Mass in our new church, which is now known as Fr. Smith Hall, named after our beloved former pastor, Fr. Frank Smith. Now, 60 years later, Fr. Smith Hall still plays a very vibrant role in our community. It is the home to many ministries including the food pantry, faith formation classes, retreat weekends, women’s group meetings, Knights’ events, weekly bingo, and more. As we embark on the Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future capital campaign, we strive to make improvements to our physical campus that best reflects the culture of Epiphany. We are a welcoming, hospitable community, alive in the Holy Spirit. We want our ministry building, administration building, and campus to be spaces that are both welcoming and have the capability to meet the needs of ministry in today’s world. This is why we hope to:
- Fully renovate and update Fr. Smith Hall
- Renovate and reconfigure the church office building to be more accommodating
- Install way-making signage around campus that will make our campus more accessible
As we embark on this journey to enhance our spiritual home, we invite you to join us. Every gift makes an incredible difference to our faith community and our ministry. We are so grateful for your commitment and generosity.
Please follow the prompts below if you wish to give online. You may also consider additional giving options listed on the left side of this page.