About CAP®

Developed at The American College of Financial Services, CAP® was founded by Bill and Sallie Wallace. Bill was one of the most admired and revered professionals in the financial services industry who also became a leader in the philanthropic world. Mr. Wallace set out to solve the issues of disparate conversations between estate planning attorneys and wealth/financial advisors and their clients and nonprofits and their donors. By opening the doors of communication and collaboration between the nonprofits, philanthropists, and advisors, Wallace knew that so much more good could be accomplished.

About Central Florida CAP® Study group

The Central Florida CAP Study Group is a private/public partnership collaborating across sectors and disciplines to do more in our community through philanthropy. The Catholic Foundation, F4 Wealth Advisors. Rollins College, and ShuffiedLowman are co-hosting study groups designed to bring together client-facing advisors and nonprofit executives to earn the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) designation provided by The American College of Financial Services. This designation signifies that the student has successfully passed exams for three graduate-level courses.

Students register with The American College of Financial Services for the CAP courses and our partnership assists with coordinating the windows for exam schedules and hosting nine monthly meetings including a graduation and networking opportunities. Cohort size is limited to facilitate lively interactions which recap course materials, highlight actual experiences and engage national and regional speakers with cohort members.

The Catholic Foundation provides partial scholarships for Catholic nonprofit professionals.  Our partnership is grateful for the generous grant provided by Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation supporting our meetings, graduation and partial scholarships for Central Florida nonprofit executives.

The New CAP® 2024 Cohort is Forming Now..

The new cohort of the 2024 Central Florida Chartered Advisor (CAP®) in Philanthropy Study Group is currently forming! CAP® is a designation earned from The American College of Financial Services after the successful completion of three graduate level courses and exams. The cohort will engages in monthly meetings which help bring the curriculum to life through multi-sector and multi-discipline discussions about work experiences of existing CAP®s and cohort members as well as the opportunity to engage with Central Florida philanthropists and national experts on philanthropy. F4 Wealth Advisors and ShuffieldLowman and The Catholic Foundation provide operational support while The Catholic Foundation also provides partial scholarships for Catholic professionals and ShuffieldLowman and Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation also support Study Group through grants to enhance philanthropy in our Central Florida community. The Study Group has increased the CAP® population in Central Florida by over 60%.

What are the benefits of working with a CAP®

Read about our previous graduates!

They have increased our Orlando-area CAPs by more than 60% providing enhanced advisory services to our regional philanthropists

Interested In Joining the Central Florida CAP® Study Group?

Learn more about how you can benefit our community and differentiate your services by earning the CAP® designation with the next Central Florida CAP Study Group launching in August 2022. The Study Group is intentionally small allowing for an elite and diverse mix of each discipline and intimate conversations with national and regional speakers. A partial scholarship for the Central Florida CAP Study Group has been made possible by support from Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation, for more information please contact one of the partners: The Catholic Foundation, Kimberlee Riley F4 Wealth Advisors, Darrell DeVaney ShuffieldLowman, Greg Meier Each year the Central Florida CAP® Study Group will engage multi-sector, client-facing advisors and nonprofit executives to discuss ideas, experiences and coursework focused on improving philanthropy in our Central Florida community for generations to come. Study sessions will enhance learning specifically about our region and our donors with an exchange of ideas and opportunities to meet donors and national and regional speakers. Regional existing CAP®s may join the cohort for sessions and NightCAP®s to develop a collaborative network of professionals to support those we serve by elevating their philanthropic aspirations for greater purpose and outcome. The group’s motto is “Doing More Together For Our Community Through Philanthropy.”

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