Thank you once more to our wonderful parish hosts, ministry partners, event volunteers, and professional partners for allowing us to serve our community with four fruitful Legacy Planning events.

These four events educated over 80 attendees on how to create legally valid Wills and Trusts, how to steward their earthly treasures and avoid probate, how to create perpetual legacies through planned charitable gifts, and, most importantly, how to ensure that what God gave us on earth to enjoy becomes an expression of love when we are called to return to Him. Winter 2025 was our busiest Legacy Planning event season yet, and we look forward to many more!

If you are interested in attending a Legacy Planning Event or want to inquire about holding a Legacy Planning event at your parish, please contact Sarah Pinto, Director of Philanthropy, at

Do you know a Catholic Estate Planning attorney who may be interested in participating in our events? Don’t hesitate to share our contact information. We are always excited to extend our network!

Learn more about our Legacy Planning events here.

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