Endowments create a lasting legacy for donors, as their contributions yield enduring benefits. These funds generate ongoing annual income for beneficiaries, ensuring a stable financial foundation for operations, special projects, or ministries.

As the Foundation’s fiscal year comes to a close, the cycle for annual endowment distributions begins. The beginning of this cycle not only amplifies the growth potential of charitable contributions through our Catholic-compliant and best-in-class investment portfolio but also instills a sense of Christmas spirit in July among our staff. 

Our investment strategy, distinctively aligned with Catholic values, targets returns that consistently provide incremental funds to our beneficiaries, amplifying the impact of each donation beyond its initial value.

As we review the generous contributions of our donors, there’s a profound appreciation for the support that will soon extend across the Diocese.

Last year, thanks to our donors who invested their charitable dollars into endowments, the Foundation was blessed to distribute nearly $1.7 million directly to scholarships and tuition assistance programs, parish support, priest retirement, and other vital ministry supports such as Catholic Campus Ministries and Catholic Charities of Central Florida. 

The Foundation Team is grateful for each of our benevolent donors as we calculate the upcoming year’s distributions, which will begin providing essential community support with the initial wave of disbursements in September.

The chart below illustrates the cumulative benefits of endowment funds based on projected average monthly closing balances and annual distribution averages: 

Christmas in July Chart

Donors have the opportunity to use cash alternatives like an IRA rollover or appreciated assets (such as stock gifts) to establish an endowment fund. The minimum initial contribution is $20,000, with various popular funding options available through the Foundation. 

Donors can gradually meet the minimum contribution requirement for endowments over several years, which is a flexibility not commonly offered by many endowment institutions. This approach enables more donors to participate in building their endowment at a pace that suits their financial situation.

Once an endowment fund is established, additional contributions can be made at any time to increase both annual and aggregate giving. 

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