The Welcome
Welcome my friends to Corpus Christi Ultimate: Building Our Future! This campaign will enable us to build a social hall providing seven classroom spaces, two permanent classrooms with adjoining kitchen, parish office complex, and adoration chapel. I thank you in advance for considering a donation to the development of our Corpus Christi parish. On the foundation of your giving, a vitally important and vibrant community is being built. I am so grateful that I can count on your prayerful consideration of this heartfelt request.
With deepest gratitude, Fr. Richard W. Trout, Jr.
The Plan
The new buildings will be much more than simply buildings. This campus will be a Catholic Education Campus. A place where each and every day there are events and programs offered to grow the faith and help build the Kingdom here on Earth. Corpus Christi Ultimate will help instill the faith in our youth and reignite the faith in our adults. Building Our Future will grow our ministries and extend our reach in the community.
The Buildings
Social Hall
Class / Meeting Rooms
Parish Office
Adoration chapel
The new hall will cover nearly 8,000 square feet and will feature movable walls to allow the area to be spilt into seven classrooms. This feature will be used multiple times each week during the Religious Education school year to serve the 300+ children enrolled in the program. The hall will also feature a stage for events like plays, concerts, Bingo, and meetings. We will be able to seat over 300 people at round tables for dinners like Friday Fish Fries or 700 seated in rows for Mass. Speaking of Mass, the hall will take the place of the Easter tent as the host for our extra Easter Masses. As we grow, we will likely use the hall to host overflow Christmas Masses as well. The cost of the social hall is $4,500,000.
The classroom building will feature two fixed classrooms, which can be converted to one larger space when needed. These rooms will be used regularly by ministries like The Knights of Columbus, The Women’s Guild, Bible Study, and more. The building will also feature a prep kitchen, pre-wired and pre-plumbed for future appliance additions, as well as storage, restrooms, and a large food pantry for our St. Vincent de Paul ministry. The building will cover over 5,000 square feet. The cost of the classroom building is $2,500,000.
The new office building is designed very much like our existing temporary office and will cover over 2,700 square feet. Did you know that our current office building is a quadruple-wide trailer? It has served us well, but it’s useful life is nearing an end. The new office space will feature seven offices surrounding and open area for meetings and staff interaction. The parish center will provide an environment for our staff to continue to work diligently and efficiently. In addition, the amount we have been paying to rent the trailers will now help to cover the cost of the new office mortgage. The new office will cost $1,500.000.
The perpetual Adoration chapel will be built on the property where our office currently sits. It will look like a tiny version of our beautiful church and offer views of the woods and lake behind it. The chapel will allow us to offer Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It is said that great things happen at parishes with perpetual Adoration. What a blessing. The cost of the chapel will be $500,000.