The Centlivre Family

When Brent and Lisa Centlivre began their estate planning, they knew that they would want to leave a legacy gift in their will to the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe, to honor this sacred space that has meant so much to their family.
For Brent, the journey to that decision started more than a quarter-century ago. As he was embarking on his career with Disney, where he recently celebrated his 25th anniversary, he began to attend Mass at the Shrine.
Brent’s parents are devout Catholics, and he has fond memories of the Shrine when his parents would come to visit him when he moved to Orlando, and they would attend Mass together. It holds such pleasant memories for him. He describes it almost as a yardstick measuring the time in his journey of life. He warmly remembers each January his Dad asking him to mail him a Basilica pocket calendar so he could easily remember all the holy days.
“The Basilica is a special place for me. As I walk in, it reminds me of all the breathtaking Cathedrals up north. Plus, as someone in the travel industry, I am grateful there is such a magnificent place for tourists to celebrate Mass on their vacation.” Brent reflected further as he considered its significance to the area. “And the Shrine has been such an important part of my life’s journey. I first attended Mass there when I was a young, single man and continued to attend with my wife when I got married, and now enjoy Mass there with my two daughters. Christmas Mass there is beautiful, especially this year during the pandemic because of the large size of the space and the ability to socially distance.”
Brent and Lisa decided to commemorate their marriage with a contribution to the Basilica. A bronze plate on the door to the Basilica recognizes their commitment to the Shrine and each other.
“Growing up, my family attended Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne, IN. My great-grandfather donated a stained-glass window with his name on it. I remember seeing it and thinking, ‘Wow, C. L. Centlivre has his name on a window!’ When I was young, I always wondered if it would ever be possible to see my name on a window or somewhere at a church that I attend. Now, when we walk into the Basilica and see our plate on the door, it holds such significance for us.”
As they were doing their estate planning, they knew they wanted to leave a charitable contribution in their will to Mary, Queen of the Universe.
“If there is an opportunity to help an institution that has helped me so much with my development from a spiritual perspective from a young man to a husband, to a father, I want to make sure that my family does what we can so that others can be helped in the same way,” Brent said.
Once Brent and Lisa made their decision, they felt it was important to notify the Basilica and The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida to let them know the special place the Basilica holds in their heart. This notification also qualifies them as members of the Vivos Christi Legacy Gift Society and ensures the intentions for their future gift would be fulfilled. They hope their story inspires others who have been touched by the sacred beauty of the Basilica to consider leaving a legacy of their own so this ministry in Orlando can continue to touch the lives of visitors for years to come.
To notify us of a legacy gift you have planned for your favorite parish, parish school or diocesan ministry, or to get more information about legacy planning or the Vivos Christi Legacy Society, visit or contact Madelyn Weed, CFRE, Vice President, Chief Donor Services Officer, or (407) 246-7188.