Local Experts To Deepen Philanthropy’s Community Impact in Central Florida
Press Contact: Rafael Gerena 407.246.4888 rgerena@cfocf.org Orlando, FL. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Planned Giving Advisory Council To Deepen Philanthropic Impact in Central Florida As part of a Catholic Foundation of Central Florida initiative, a Planned Giving Advisory Council has been established with seven founding members. It includes a group of active-and-talented charitable gift and estate planning professionals dedicated to the mission and vision of The Catholic Foundation. The goal is to support our community in realizing their philanthropic impact through a network of estate and financial planning professionals. The Foundation and Advisory Council members will provide educational and networking opportunities to support Central Florida professionals with incorporating distinct services that will help their clients realize the philanthropic impact they have accomplished…
Intentional Giving
By Kimberlee Riley President, The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida The first step to becoming a donor most often happens with small, unplanned gifts offered because a family member or friend asks. Most of us have had a friend ask to sponsor them in a 5K race benefiting a cause or to support their charity rather than giving them a birthday gift. We are asked at the grocery store to round up our payment to support a cause or we walk by an organization or sports team table and are asked to support their efforts. At church, we also give small, unplanned gifts when the basket is passed for second collections and even weekly offertory. When we reflect on our…
5 Things Every Board Member Should Know about Fundraising
By Janet Caramello, Director of Philanthropic Engagement and Planned Giving Janet offers the following tips for board members at faith-based organizations: 1. Make a generous gift to your parish or organization in order to achieve 100% Board giving. It’s always easier to invite others to donate to your parish or school if you can share that 100% of the Board supports it by financially donating to its programs. 2. Help thank donors and share with them the impact of their gifts! Show stewardship by thanking the donor and sharing the difference that their donation makes. 3. Help connect supporters/donors who are interested in the mission, programs or projects. Identify those who have an interest in supporting your programs and introduce…
Giving is Investing
A message about your philanthropic journey People give in many ways and for many different reasons. Our faith sums up what we give in three buckets – time, talent and treasure – yet each of these can be given in many ways. The reasons we give are as numerous and distinct as we are as people. There is social giving, quid pro quo giving, impact giving, faith-filled giving and more. The terms giving, charity and philanthropy are often used interchangeably. Giving is how we express charity. Charity is how we show our compassion for others. Charity comes from the Latin word, caritas, which means love for all. Philanthropy is defined as the love of humanity. Our faith and values influence…
Our Catholic Appeal: Supporting Laity, Family & Life Ministries
Your gift to Our Catholic Appeal supports a host of children, youth, college, adult and family ministries. These ministries and sacraments help people and families to be God-centered, rooted in faith and grounded in our Catholic heritage. Each year, more than 50,000 Catholics are served in parish-based catechetical ministries by nearly 370 lay parish ministry professionals, and more than 6,000 catechists and other ministry volunteers. To read more, please click here.
Nuestro Llamado Católico: Ministerios para Laicos, Familia y Vida
Su donación a Nuestro Llamado Católico apoya a una gran cantidad de ministerios para niños, jóvenes, universitarios, adultos y familias. Estos ministerios y sacramentos ayudan a las personas y familias a estar centralizados en Dios, enraizados en la fe y en nuestra herencia católica. Cada año, más de 50,000 católicos son atendidos por los ministerios catequéticos parroquiales los cuales incluyen 370 ministros laicos profesionales en las parroquias, y más de 6,000 catequistas y otros voluntarios del ministerio. Por favor haga clíc aquí para más información.
Catholic Generosity: The Nexus of our Faith and Philanthropy
By: Colleen D. Mitchell Catholic philanthropy reflects some of the highest gifts we can give of ourselves to others – our time, our talents, treasure, increasingly our ties or networks of family, friends, and colleagues. Yet as valuable as all these gifts are for the common good of others, without love, without given with and through Him who Is Love, we fall short in sharing with others the beautiful and grace-filled virtue of generosity; one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Because God creates – or generates- each of us uniquely in His own multi-faceted image, out of His generosity, this dynamic impulse toward generosity is deeply implanted in our very being, from our very beginnings. Why be generous? …
Our Catholic Appeal: Supporting Catholic Schools
Your gift to Our Catholic Appeal supports more than 14,500 students in 42 Catholic schools throughout the Diocese of Orlando. Because of your generosity, our children, from PreK to 12th grade and including those with special needs, receive an educational experience rooted in high academic standards and steeped in the Catholic faith and traditions. To read more, please click here.
Nuestro Llamado Católico: Las Escuelas Católicas de la Diócesis de Orlando
Sus donaciones a Nuestro Llamado Católico apoyan a más de 14,500 estudiantes en 42 escuelas católicas en la Diócesis de Orlando. Gracias a su generosidad, nuestros niños de Pre-Kinder a 12º grado, incluyendo aquellos niños con necesidades especiales, reciben una experiencia educativa arraigada en altos estándares académicos e inmersa en la fe y las tradiciones católicas. Por favor haga clíc aquí para más información.
Our Catholic Appeal 2019: The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida
The Catholic Foundation works behind-the-scenes with pastors, parish staff and generous donors throughout the Diocese of Orlando. The result of this collaborative work benefits the community openly: The charitable gifts inspired by this work supports parishes, Catholic school tuition assistance, seminarian education, priest retirement, faith formation experiences, food for the hungry, and health care for the sick. These blessings grow our parishes, schools and Catholic faith throughout our diocese’s nine-county region. To read more in English, please click here. To read more in Spanish, please click here.