Welcome PGAC Member: Susan Rae Giacoletto, JD

Susan Rae Giacoletto, JD Parishioner at Our Lady of the Lakes Attorney at Law, Susan Giacoletto Law, LLC Susan Rae Giacoletto, JD became a Planned Giving Advisory Council (PGAC) member during this year’s Board Retreat. The PGAC is a group of experts whose goal is to help the Central Florida community realize their philanthropic goals. Susan was nominated by Wendy Mara, current member of the PGAC and The Catholic Foundation’s Board of Directors. She graduated from the University of Central Florida in 1996 with her bachelor’s degree and went on to receive her law degree from the University of Florida in 1999. Susan started her law career as an assistant public defender in North Florida.  She then transitioned to private…

Catholic Giving Tuesday, December 3rd

Save the Date: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024. Give thanks to God through your philanthropy on Catholic Giving Tuesday!  One of the blessings of Catholicism is treasuring the gifts that God gives us to enjoy on earth, while remembering that every gift we share with others grants us spiritual treasure in heaven. By making your gift to CFOCF on Catholic Giving Tuesday, you:  Join St. Katharine Drexel’s example by learning more and making your gift online today: St. Katharine Drexel Society – Catholic Foundation Central 

Board of Directors Annual Meeting and Retreat

Our Board of Directors gathered at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in October for their Annual Board Meeting and Retreat. This retreat is an opportunity for spiritual reflection and planning for the year ahead. The Catholic Foundation’s Spiritual Advisor, Father Ivan Olmo enriched the retreat with a spiritual reflection as we enter The Year of Hope. He invited Board members to look beyond everyday aspirations and reflect on God’s will and deeper, more meaningful hopes for the upcoming year. We are grateful to our Board of Directors for their commitment to bringing our Church spread throughout the world to its fullness of charity. Click here to get to know our Board Members.

Honoring Marta Sweeney on All Saints Day: A Heartfelt Farewell

After 32-years of service to the Catholic Church in Central Florida, Marta Sweeney, The Catholic Foundation’s VP-Chief Community Services Officer, entered her well-deserved retirement. Marta is an active parishioner at Most Precious Blood Catholic Church. She served as a Board Member of the International Catholic Stewardship Council for which she will continue to volunteer. She is also a founding member of the Women’s Philanthropic Giving Circle. Marta led vital projects in the Diocese of Orlando including Our Catholic Appeal, Capital Campaigns and a variety of stewardship initiatives. These projects directly benefit every Catholic parish, school, and ministry in Central Florida. The Diocese recognized Marta for her contributions with the Mary Mother of God Award. This honor celebrates those who show exceptional…

Market Highlights from Our Trusted Partner The Concord Advisory Group, Ltd.

The Foundation utilizes Concord Advisory Group as our trusted partner for investment management services. The Foundation’s investment programs serve our partner organizations to provide annual income and financial wellness and serve individual donors to meet their philanthropic aspirations and legacy goals. Concord is an Investment Advisory Group focused on faith-based nonprofit services by providing strategic advice to staff, our Investment Committee, and our Board of Directors to improve the performance of our investment services. The Foundation’s investment services include endowment funds, donor advised funds (DAFs), and reserve funds, each with their own targeted performance strategy. Concord has more than thirty years of experience assisting their partners in managing the balance between spending policy and corpus growth while navigating the challenging…

Commemorating All Souls Day with St. Katharine Drexel Society

As we enter the Catholic season of remembrance of our departed brothers and sisters in Christ, we would be honored to pray the Rosary for the intentions of our St. Katharine Drexel Society donors throughout the month of November. If you would like us to pray for any individuals by name, you may submit your request anonymously in this online form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TX3D6ZZ Our community of donors, the St. Katharine Drexel Society, remains close to our team’s hearts and prayers. We are grateful for your commitment to allowing generosity to thrive in our Diocese through your support of CFOCF. If you would like to help our Church in Central Florida reach its fullness of charity through the efforts of The Foundation,…

National Estate Planning Awareness Week

In honor of National Estate Planning Awareness Week, we want to share how planning ahead can help secure the future. No matter your age or income, everyone should have an estate plan in place. The Catechism reminds us that we should care for both our families and the common good. Begin by asking yourself: · Are my gifts of charity proportional to what I have? · Is my charitable giving prayerful? Have you asked God through prayer where He is calling you to make a difference? · How much is enough for my own family, and for the greater good of all God’s people? · How can I create a legacy that will bless the generations to come while supporting…

Women’s Giving Circle 2024 Grant Award Celebration

The Women’s Philanthropic Giving Circle (WPGC) gathered for this year’s check ceremony in October. During the ceremony, members of the WPGC presented grants to this year’s deserving recipients. From children’s therapy scholarships to helping the homeless, each project chosen for this grant cycle is making an impactful difference in our community.  Congratulations to this years grant recipients: This year’s grant cycle raised an impressive total of $27,000, thanks to the dedication and support of all WPGC members. The contributions made will help fund these essential programs and initiatives that the women ensure align with our shared values and faith. Together, the WPGC is working to create a lasting positive impact that will benefit our community for generations to come. We…

The Catholic Foundation Sponsors the Culture of Life Conference

The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida (CFOCF) is proud to be one of this year’s sponsors of the 37th Annual Florida Culture of Life Conference. This event united experts and advocates in the pro-life community through educational sessions about upholding the dignity and protection of all human life. Participants delved into critical topics such as abortion, death penalty, mothers in need, etc… Each session educates attendees to champion life from conception to natural death. Topics ranged from “Speaking for the Unborn” to “Building a Culture of Life without the Penalty of Death.” The Catholic Foundation actively supported the cause as a sponsor of this event. We thank the Culture of Life team at Catholic Charities of Central Florida for connecting…

Welcome PGAC Member: Gary R. LoDuca CFP®, ChFC, AIF®

Gary LoDuca CFP®, ChFC, AIF® Parishioner at Immaculate Conception Founder & Owner, Thoughtful Advisors Join us in welcoming our new Planned Giving Advisory Council (PGAC) member, Gary LoDuca CFP®, ChFC, AIF® .  The PGAC is a group of skilled professionals that support the community’s philanthropic impact through estate and financial planning. Gary graduated from the University of Florida from the College of Business in 1989. By 1990, he had already joined the First Union National Bank, making the beginning of a distinguished career. Gary became an Investment Advisor Representative (IAR) in 1996. His commitment to his field continued as he earned several esteemed accolades between 2011 and 2018: Gary founded Thoughtful Advisors in 2015, a company specialized in tax savings…

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