Growing Your Stewardship Grant 2024 International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Conference Scholarships

Funded by The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida Endowment Fund, we are pleased to offer 3 scholarship grants to pastors and parish, school and ministry staff/leaders interested in attending the 2024 International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Conference being held in New Orleans at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans from September 15-18, 2024. The 62nd annual ICSC conference — themed “Called to be Saints” — will offer attendees a chance to gather to pray, learn, network, cultivate new friendships and reflect on the life of stewardship in the Catholic Church

ICSC promotes and supports Catholic teaching on stewardship by providing education and resources for dioceses, parishes, and institutions of the Roman Catholic Church. The conference features networking opportunities and 80 stewardship-related sessions focusing on new ideas, innovations, strategies as together we bring our church throughout the world to its fullness of charity. For more information about ICSC, visit:

The goal of this grant is to support the professional development of all those involved with advancing the stewardship of their parish, school or ministry in the Diocese of Orlando. There is an incredible benefit to having multiple people from one entity attend together. If someone from your entity is already registered to attend this year’s conference, consider having another  representative apply for this scholarship. Preference will be given to applicants who are first-time ICSC Conference attendees or to an individual from an entity with other attendees already registered.

Those interested in applying for one of our scholarship grants should email their application to Lisa Henrickson on or before May 24, 2024.  Scholarship recipients will be notified in early June. The grant includes conference registration and a $1,000 travel voucher to help with hotel and airfare costs.


To be eligible for an award, applicants must be a:

  • Pastor, parish priest, seminarian or deacon
  • Parish, school or ministry business administrator or stewardship staff
  • Parish, school or ministry lay stewardship/finance council member
  • Preference given to first-time attendees or an individual from an entity with another attendee(s) already registered

How to Apply

Complete the application including:

  • Contact & demographic information
  • Brief professional bio
  • Short essay focused on what you hope to learn and how you would utilize this in your position to enhance stewardship at your parish, school or ministry.
  • Confirmation that, if selected, you agree to fill out a post-conference survey noting three key takeaways gleaned from the ICSC Conference and how this experience will benefit your parish.

Applications must be emailed to Lisa Henrickson on or before May 24, 2024.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida. The review committee will select candidates who are eager to learn and plan to apply the skills and knowledge gained to benefit their parish community. Scholarship Grant winners will be announced in early June 2024.

Scholarship Grant Distribution

Candidates selected to receive a Growing Your Stewardship Scholarship Grant will be contacted directly by a member of The Catholic Foundation team who will work with the recipient on conference registration.

Please note: Conference registration will be completed by The Catholic Foundation on behalf of the attendee. The Catholic Foundation will not reimburse any fees incurred by applicants prior to being awarded the grant. This scholarship grant covers the registration fee and comes with a $1,000 travel voucher, any additional costs associated with travel, lodging or other incidentals will need to be covered in the approved entity budget. Questions? Contact Lisa Henrickson at (407) 246-7177.

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