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St Andrew Parishioners

As part of a broad strategic-planning process, The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida is studying ways to better serve Catholics throughout the Diocese of Orlando whose primary language is not English. In coordination with Rev. Leo Hodges, Foundation staff – led by Campaign Director Doris Quiñones – yesterday surveyed more than 40 St. Andrew parishioners in Creole. Sheila Henry, who assists the Haitian Community on behalf of St. Andrew in Orlando, and the Diocese, helped Doris arrange the focus group and provided access to translators. The Foundation has conducted similar research with Spanish-speaking parishioners at Santo Toribio Romo Mission in Mascotte, and St. Catherine Sienna Catholic Church in Kissimmee. The Foundation has also reached out to the Vietnamese community at St. Philip Phan Van Minh Catholic Church in Orlando. The focus groups are part of a larger strategic planning process encompassing all Catholics that the Foundation is undertaking to better understand the needs of pastors, donors and parishioners across Central Florida.