Industry Trend Spotlight: Giving in Florida


The Catholic Foundation is a member of the Florida Nonprofit Alliance which has published an informational report on the generosity of Floridians. Key Findings in this report include:

  • Most Floridians give to charities.  Almost 7 out of 10 households in Florida made charitable donations in 2021.  Of those donors, 74% gave the majority of their donated funds to organizations based in Florida.
  • Many Floridians volunteer.  Over half of households reported volunteering in 2021.  Volunteering was more common among younger Floridians and high-net-worth households.
  • Nearly all Floridians help others directly.  87% of Florida households reported participating in informal philanthropy.  Over half of all respondents reported giving directly to people in need who they know personally within Florida.
  • Floridians give to racial justice causes.  Over one in four Floridians reported giving an average of $1,335 to racial justice causes in 2021.  Younger, Black, and Hispanic respondents were more likely to give to racial justice causes.


 Want to learn more about giving trends in Central Florida and charitable tools that you can use to make a greater impact? Call The Catholic Foundation at 407-246-4889 and ask to speak with one of our philanthropy advisors.




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