Mark Your Calendars! On March 3rd, our Church celebrates the Feast Day of our patron saint, St. Katharine Drexel.
We joyously pray for and offer the intentions of all of the charitable hearts in our St. Katharine Drexel Society. If you would like to join this spiritual community of loving generosity and ministry-building impact, make your gift today at cfocf.org/foundation.
Join us in our prayer to bring Christ’s most beloved Church to the fullness of charity:
St. Katharine Drexel, pray for us!
Heavenly Father, You are the giver of life and everything we have is a gift from you. You have shown us your infinite generosity by giving us Your son, Jesus Christ. You inspired St. Katharine Drexel to dedicate her life and selflessly share her treasures with those in need. May her example help us to be faithful stewards of your abundant gifts. Teach us to be cheerful and grateful givers, so we can bring our Church spread throughout the world to its fullness of charity. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.