We are in midst of exciting times in St. James Cathedral’s journey! A journey that started back in 1881. Today it is our responsibility to embrace the challenges of a growing fresh-and-dynamic ministry, that is a beacon of hope for our diverse downtown community. It is our turn to Light the Way as an expression of thanksgiving and gratitude. By supporting our capital campaign, Light the Way, you will contribute in a meaningful way to the future of our parish, thus leaving a legacy that will last a lifetime, benefiting countless others in our community. I am confident that the generous support of every member of our parish and school community, and new friends will help us surpass our $3 million goal! Please follow the prompts below if you wish to give online. You may also consider additional giving options listed on the left side of this page.
St. James Courtyard & Interior Hall Gallery
*******If you plan to make annual payments toward your pledge, please contact Jon Waldrop at St. James Catholic Cathedral at (407) 422-2005 ext. 8282 for assistance.*******