CAP Graduation 2023
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida in partnership with F4 Wealth Advisors and ShuffieldLowman warmly congratulates our most recent graduates from the CAP® program. Central Florida CAP® (Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy) Study Group. CAP® is a designation provided by The American College of Financial Services which signifies that the student has successfully passed exams for three graduate-level courses of cross-disciplinary curriculum. The curriculum spans and synthesizes the arts and sciences of philanthropic planning including taxation, ethical fundraising, purposeful planning, family dynamics, psychology and strategic philanthropy.

The second cohort graduates increase Central Florida’s CAP® population by 25% and represent a variety of industries within the financial planning world including Wealth Advisors, Estate Planning Advisors, and Non-Profit professionals. During the 9-month program, participants worked through graduate coursework, discussed ideas and experiences, engaged with philanthropy experts across the country and philanthropists here in Central Florida and deepened their knowledge. This knowledge and experience will translate to a larger impact on the Central Florida community through philanthropy.

CAP Graduation Plaques

Please meet our 2023 Central Florida CAP® Study Graduates!

Ty McCormack CFP, AIF, CPFA, MBA, MSF, Wealth Advisor with Aksala Wealth Advisors – Ty has been guiding individuals and corporations in financial literacy. Having come of age during the Great Recession he saw first-hand the impact a lack of long-term retirement planning can have in tumultuous times. He was an All-American cross country /track athlete at Auburn and continues to run races and coach. Ty and his bride (pandemic delayed wedding and honeymoon) and dog live in Winter Park. He serves our community through boards such as United Against Poverty, Planned Giving Advisory Councils and practices what he advises as one of the youngest planned giving donors to The Catholic Foundation.

Kevin Johnson, MBA, Executive Director, Magnify of Central Florida – Kevin began his career with Bishop Grady Villas (now Magnify) in 2004 and was appointed Executive Director in 2008. Under his leadership he enhanced the Assisted Living Community services with employment services for the residents and others in the region, assisting them in acquiring competitive employment. He oversaw the expansion of programs through contracts with the Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and Social Security Administration Ticket to Work. In 2011 Kevin was named the Florida Assisted Living Association’s Assisted Living Administrator of the Year. He was appointed to the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council in 2015 and reappointed in 2019 now serving as Chair. Kevin also serves as the Past-Chair of the Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities as well as on the boards of the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD Catholic Disability Foundation (CDF) and Morning Star Catholic School. He was awarded the Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business Martin Bell Scholarship and completed his Masters in 2018.

Kellie M. Hall, JD, Head of Estate Planning, Biltmore Family Office – As the Head of Estate Planning for Biltmore Family Office, Kellie provides integrated and customized advice across all elements of wealth management for ultra-high net worth families with a particular focus on estate and transfer tax planning, fiduciary administration, charitable planning, and succession planning for family businesses. With more than 15 years of experience in both private practice and the family office, Kellie serves as a firm-wide resource on planning, administration, and governance. Kellie began her career as an estate planning attorney in a law firm specializing in transfer tax planning, succession planning, special needs trust planning, and charitable planning. Prior to joining Biltmore Family Office in 2015, Kellie served in a dual role as both a Trust Advisor and Family Wealth Advisor for GenSpring Family Offices. Kellie lives in Orlando with her husband, Barry, a teacher, and her daughter, Charlotte, 7. She is actively engaged in her community, having served on the Board of Central Florida Association for Women Lawyers and the School Board at St. John Vianney Catholic School and is a member of the Central Florida Chapter of One Hundred Women Strong. Kellie was a Harcourt Scholar at Rollins College (’03) and a member of the Law Review at Florida State University College of Law (’06).

Charles (Charlie) Van Patten, JD, Director of Philanthropy, The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida – Charlie joined our Catholic Foundation team this year after many years working in California in the legal services department of a leading planning and major giving software and marketing company. He coordinates and leads planned giving seminars and meets with donors throughout Central Florida to help them fulfill their philanthropic goals. He is a speaker nationally on major gifts, planned gifts, blended gifts and cryptocurrency. He is a member of the American Council on Gift Annuities’ Rates and Regulation Committee. Prior to entering the field of planned giving, Charlie practiced family law. He earned his juris doctor at Liberty University School of Law where he met his lovely wife.

Mrs. Amanda Livermore, MPS, President, Cristo Rey High School – Amanda served as Vice President of Bishop Moore Catholic High School, where she gained impactful leadership skills, and a wealth of experience in relationship building. She went on from Bishop Moore to Cristo Rey. Cristo Rey is a network of college preparatory, career-focused Catholic High Schools that will serve Central Florida students with limited economic resources. Amanda serves as the Director of Feasibility Studies. Amanda is a proud wife and mother of two beautiful children.

Our Central Florida CAP® Study Group partners that represent each core discipline for the CAP® designation are Kimberlee Riley, CAP®, President and CEO, The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Darrell DeVanney, CFP, CAP®, Founder/Partner F4 Wealth Advisors, and Greg Meier JD, CAP® Partner, ShuffieldLowman.

What Our Partners Are Saying About CAP®

Catholic Foundation of Central Florida President and CEO, Kimberlee Riley is excited about the impact that CAP® is having on our local community: “Our Central Florida CAP® Study Group is modeled after the longest running and most successful Study Group in the country which has shown a correlation between an increase in philanthropy and increase in CAPs in the community. The multi-discipline and multi-sector approach provides unparalleled support for donors to maximize their giving and increase their impact in addressing community needs.”

“The Central Florida CAP® Study Group is for professionals who are already experiencing success and want to take that success to the next level through collaborative work. Earning my CAP® designation and being engaged in this partnership has invigorated me in the work that I do because I can see the benefit with our clients and in our community.” – Greg Meier

“The CAP® designation has helped me to enhance relationships with my clients as we engage more deeply in discussions about their philanthropic aspirations. Increasing our CAP® population in Central Florida will support more donors and philanthropists in taking care of their families while also addressing community issues.” Darrell DeVaney

A special thank you to our philanthropic partners, David Odahowski President and CEO, Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation and Kaori Kuahara Director of Community Engagement and Impact, Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation for their enthusiasm and support.

Again, we celebrate these graduates and look forward to seeing the fruits of their study within our community. Congratulations!

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