National Philanthropy Day is a celebration each November across the U.S. recognizing the profound impact philanthropy has on the fabric of society. It is the compassion and selflessness of local heroes that the Association of Fundraising Professionals is proud to recognize through National Philanthropy Day. The program honors individuals, corporations, foundations, civic and service groups, and nonprofit organizations in Central Florida whose efforts change the face of our community.
This year our own President & CEO, Kimberlee Riley, was recognized as a champion for collective philanthropy and was awarded the Terri S. Chastain Award for Outstanding Fundraising Professional. Kimberlee was nominated by Karen Monteleone who served as Vice President for Board Relations at UCF and is also a Board Member at The Foundation. Kimberlee accepted the award on behalf of those who support her noting “Receiving an individual award like this reflects and lifts up how well that individual is supported in the community. I am honored to receive the award on behalf of our donors, board, staff and partners.”
The Association of Fundraising Professionals which hosts the Central Florida National Philanthropy Day, in collaboration with the Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (EBI), named this award for the first time this year after Terri S. Chastain. Terri had a passion for serving the nonprofit industry and unfortunately, passed away in August this year. The award was presented by Min Kim, Executive Director of EBI. Min noted that Kimberlee was a well deserving recipient as she and Terri both served EBI as coaches and instructors for nonprofit organizations and professionals throughout Central Florida.