Lois Mills
Lois Mills, a parishioner of St. James Cathedral, chose to make a planned gift to several ministries. She shared with us what moved her to make this gift:
I included my parish and diocese in my estate plans because to me it is an expression of my commitment to my community that will endure after I am gone. I chose three ministries that have special meaning.
First, I have always admired the work of our St. Vincent de Paul Society. I have been personally acquainted with some of their volunteers and with the work they do. I believe that social justice and helping those in need are important spiritual practices and essential elements of Catholic teaching. I consider being able to help this ministry to be a gift.
The other ministries I chose were the Morning Star Catholic School for developmentally disabled children and Bishop Grady Villas which is a residence for disabled adults. I believe they perform great service to people who are all too often marginalized. I also chose them to honor my late son, James Henry who was developmentally disabled and who, unfortunately, survived for just under two years.
To notify us of a legacy gift you have planned for your favorite parish, parish school or diocesan ministry, or to get more information about legacy planning or the Vivos Christi Legacy Society, visit mycatholiclegacy.cfocf.org or contact Madelyn Weed, CFRE, Vice President, Chief Donor Services Officer, or (407) 246-7188.