As we usher in 2025, take a moment to reflect on all the gifts which He has given us—our family, our finances, and the ministries close to our heart—and safeguard them for generations to come. One of the smartest ways you can start this new year off strong is with an up-to-date estate plan. Here is a checklist to help you create a plan that is practical and aligns with your faith!
- Think about your faith, your journey, your legacy, and how it all might tie together. How will you preserve what has meant most to you and the assets God has entrusted in your care? Use our Catholic Legacy Journal to help you tell the story of your life and the legacy you are creating.
- Talk to family about how you’d like to be remembered and discuss your Catholic legacy. Watch this Philanthropy Moment: A Plan for Passing Along Your Values
- Create a will or trust. Check out our Wills Guide to help get you started.
- Review and update beneficiary designations on all accounts, including insurance policies, retirement accounts, and payable-on-death accounts. Access our Beneficiary Designation tool through our partner, FreeWill, to help you get organized.
- Keep important documents organized and communicate your plans with your loved ones to avoid confusion and ensure your wishes are known.
- Schedule annual reviews of your estate plan to ensure it remains up to date with any changes in your life or the law.
If you’re in need of an estate attorney, we are blessed to have vetted Catholic estate attorneys on our Planned Giving Advisory Council that can help you create a customized plan and assist you with creating a will or trust. Many offer a FREE one-hour consultation. Learn more at https://cfocf.org/advisorycouncil
We also offer a free online tool, through FreeWill. Developed by legal professionals, FreeWill assists you in creating your estate documents which can be notarized or printed and taken to an estate attorney for review and further customization. Visit https://frwill.link/cfocf to get started.
At The Catholic Foundation, we are always here to help you align philanthropy with your Catholic values, create a Catholic legacy, and provide you with the resources needed to get you started!