Eastern Deanery PGAC Social
Planned Giving Advisory Council members from the Eastern Deanery met for an Advisor Social on March 14th at Stonewood Grill & Tavern, Daytona Beach. Vice President of Donor Services, Madelyn Weed, and Board Members, Fr. Matt Mello and Lori Tolland, enjoyed time with PGAC members serving the people of God in Volusia County. It was a great opportunity to for members network with fellow Catholic advisors and learn about additional resources available to them through The Catholic Foundation.

Rollins Museum of Art PGAC Social
Members of the Planned Giving Advisory Council gathered for an Advisor Social on November 30th at the Rollins Museum of Art in Winter Park. The group enjoyed refreshments and networking followed with a tour by the museum’s Executive Director, Ena Heller, of the exhibit “Beyond the Medici: The Haukohl Family Collection”, a touring exhibition of Florentine Baroque art from the 16th to 18th centuries. This collection includes many pieces featuring religious themes like the Annunciation, Madonna and Child and St. Michael the Archangel.
Special thanks to our bar sponsor: F4 Wealth Advisors