Spring brings new possibilities. It reminds us of the foundations created with thoughtful planning, both in nature and in our lives. Now is the perfect time to plant your roots through estate planning.

This might feel like an overwhelming task, but it doesn’t have to be. For those interested in a customized estate plan, setting up a Trust or discussing options with an attorney, we are blessed to have vetted Catholic estate planning attorneys on our Planned Giving Advisory Council.  Several of our Planned Giving Advisory Council members have offered a free one-hour consultation for individuals referred by The Catholic Foundation.

The Catholic Foundation is also pleased to offer you a one-stop, 100% FREE online estate planning tool from FreeWill so you can have a plan and peace of mind for the future. While the documents created via FreeWill can be printed and notarized as legal documents, many people use this tool to organize their plans and then print off the documents to take to a vetted estate attorney.


By making a gift in your estate plan to support your favorite Catholic parish, school and ministry, like The Catholic Foundation, you become a vital part of a legacy of faith, hope, and generosity. This is not just an act of planning, but an expression of faith. This gift costs nothing today and is a powerful way to enrich and uplift our Catholic faith for generations to come.

If you have already created an estate plan and included a gift to The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida or any parish, school or ministry in the Diocese of Central Florida—thank you! Simply fill out this form so we can ensure your gift is directed to the cause area of your choice. Please know our Chartered Advisors in Philanthropy® team members can also assist you with any questions you may have about estate planning. We are blessed to have the opportunity to support you with your charitable goals. If you don’t have a legal will in place yet, we hope the resources we offer can help you learn more about your options and allow you to get started on this important step in your stewardship journey. We are blessed to serve as a guide as we honor our past, celebrate the present, and grow our future!

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