A New Resource for You!
August is National Make-A-Will Month. The Catholic Foundation has a new partnership to help our community complete this important act of stewardship. Thanks to our recent partnership with FreeWill, you can use this secure, online estate planning tool to write your legal will, protect your loved ones, and establish a lasting legacy with the ministries you value. We provide this resource at no cost to you and it is secure and simple to use. Get started here!
Are you interested in a customized estate plan, setting up a Trust or speaking with an attorney? We have vetted Catholic estate planning attorneys on our Planned Giving Advisory Council. A list of these attorneys and their contact information can be found at www.cfocf.org/advisorycouncil. Several members have offered a FREE one-hour consultation for individuals referred by The Catholic Foundation. These resources can help you learn about your options and allow you to get started with this important step in your stewardship journey. Please contact Madelyn Weed, Vice President of Donor Services at mweed@cfocf.org or (407) 246-7188 with any questions or for a list of those professionals offering the FREE consultation.
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