Supporting a Spiritual Oasis

We are called to return our blessing to God and your generosity impacts lives. San Pedro Retreat Center serves the people, priests and parishes of the Diocese of Orlando. It is a place for human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral development. San Pedro hosts Catholic retreats, discussions and faith-building opportunities for children and adults. During these challenging Covid-19 times, San Pedro Center has seen a 100% decrease in its in-person events, and its funding has dropped sharply as well. San Pedro remains steadfast and is continuing to pursue funding for its programs, retreats and camps. You can join in helping our community to reconnect with what really matters.  Please consider making a tax-deductible gift by completing and submitting the form below. Every little bit helps! Thank you for supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless you! To learn more about Legacy Gifts or Endowment Funds for San Pedro Retreat Center, please contact Madelyn Weed or call (407) 246-7188.

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