Giving Tuesday

Save the Date: Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024. Give thanks to God through your philanthropy on Catholic Giving Tuesday! 

One of the blessings of Catholicism is treasuring the gifts that God gives us to enjoy on earth, while remembering that every gift we share with others grants us spiritual treasure in heaven. By making your gift to CFOCF on Catholic Giving Tuesday, you: 

  1. Demonstrate the importance of sharing, after the secular commercialism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 
  1. Give thanks to God by putting His gifts to work for good. 
  1. Provide a beautiful demonstration of your Catholic faith by opening your heart to philanthropy. 
  1. Allow even more dollars to be distributed across the Diocese through our management of nearly 200 donor-established charitable giving investment funds. 
  1. Increase virtues such as promoting human dignity and encouraging corporate responsibility by supporting Catholic-compliant investing. 
  1. Multiply spiritual and ethical Catholic professional advising by supporting the growth of our Planned Giving Advisory Council. 
  1. Unite more of our Catholic siblings in generosity through the expansion of our Legacy building programs and the Women’s Philanthropic Giving Circle. 
  1. Create more grant and sponsorship opportunities for parishes, schools, and ministries across the nine counties of our Diocese. 
  1. Serve more like-minded donors in our Church in Central Florida by supporting the work of our Catholic philanthropic advisors. 
  1. Help bring the Church to its fullness of charity by becoming a member of our St. Katharine Drexel Society! 
  1. Create more spiritually fulfilling Catholic legacies that provide transformational financial support for our parishes, schools, and ministries for years to come. 
  1. Allow The Catholic Foundation to serve faithfully as a reliable and expert fundraising support resource to all Diocesan ministries and those who love them. 

Join St. Katharine Drexel’s example by learning more and making your gift online today: St. Katharine Drexel Society – Catholic Foundation Central 

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