Next month, Bishop Noonan will ordain 18 new men to the permanent diaconate. These men will each serve a different community in the diocese.
Here at the Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, we help steward their lives mission by maintaining a Diaconate Reserve Fund.
Deacon Joseph Gassman, Secretary of Leadership and Parish Life, established this fund in January 2020. A Reserve Fund enables wise management of money over a period of time in accordance with our Catholic faith.
Through the help of our donors, this fund provides partial scholarships for deacon aspirants who cannot meet their financial obligations during formation.
The fund also offers partial scholarship to deacons or their wives enrolling in courses to specify them in certifications that benefit the Diocese.
Currently, the fund stands at an impressive 56.4 thousand dollars.
Until the fund reaches market value of $100,000, the reserve will make 75% of the allowed distributions available at any time.
Once the fund reaches its full potential, the then applicable spending policy will allow distributions.
Click here to learn more about the Diaconate Reserve Fund and support the ongoing success of our Catholic faith, ensuring our future deacons can continue to serve our community.