Gifts of stock or other appreciated securities, such as bonds or mutual funds, offer an easy and tax-smart way to support the work of our Church.
In most cases you will be able to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation, and you may be able to obtain a charitable deduction for the full market value of the gift, which could be significantly greater than the initial cost.
Click here for instructions on how you can make a stock transfer to the Diocese of Orlando or any of its parishes or entities. We strongly encourage gifts of stock via electronic transfer from a brokerage account. It is the fastest and easiest way to give stock to benefit your parish or another ministry! Gifts are considered complete when received in the Diocesan brokerage account. Foundation policy is to immediately liquidate stock gifts upon receipt in the brokerage account to ensure your gift benefits your parish or another ministry as referenced in your transfer form as soon as possible. Gifts will be acknowledged by letter following receipt for your tax records.
May cost less than a cash gift. May offer substantial tax benefits. Can be used to make your annual gift to Our Catholic Appeal or The Shepherd’s Fund. Can be donated to your parish, a Catholic school, or any ministry of the Diocese of Orlando. Can be used to fund a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust that will provide you with a stream of income for life. Can be used to fund a charitable lead trust supporting your favorite charity and providing tax benefits for your heirs. Can be used to fund an endowment that provides everlasting support for the work of the Church. May qualify for membership in the Vivos Christi Society if used to fund a charitable giving vehicle or included as part of a gift to the Church through a will.
Contact Us
To donate Stock please contact:
Nia Herald
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
Email | (407) 246-7189