We invite women of any age and giving level, residing within the Diocese of Orlando, who have a desire to:
- Respond to Jesus’ calling to serve others and bring the Church to its fullness of charity
- Foster an atmosphere in communion with our Catholic faith and values
- Learn about the needs of our community in the Diocese of Orlando
- Invest in leveraging our resources to create meaningful change
- Trust that the collaborative process is divinely led inspiring a mix of spirit, effort and passion
To engage this diverse group of women, three annual membership levels are available:
- $1,000+ St. Anne Membership – This level provides $500 for the new Women’s Philanthropic Giving Circle Endowment to sustain and supplement WPGC’s ongoing legacy of impact in our community (may include administrative costs.)
- $500+ St. Elizabeth Membership
- $250+ St. Mary Membership
All members will have equal voting rights in the grant-making process.
To join, please fill out the WPGC Membership Form and send along with your tax-deductible membership donation via check:
Please make the check payable to “The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida” add WPGC 25 in the memo and mail to:
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida
Attn: Madelyn Weed
P.O. Box 4905
Orlando, FL 32802-4905
If you prefer to make your annual membership donation in installments, or via stock or from a donor advised fund, please contact Madelyn Weed or (407) 246-7188.
The form below will allow you to make your annual membership donation via credit card.