Fearless Girl
Fearless Girl: the iconic statue that faced down the famous Charging Bull statue on Manhattan’s Bowling Green in the Financial District. It’s an image of strength, character, and determination, now facing down the bulls and bears in front of the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street. Fearless Girl was commissioned by State Street Global Advisors, one of our market managers who provide Catholic-compliant investments for donors through The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida.

Women's History Month

(Pictured L-R, Catholic Foundation staff Susan Hunt, Kimberlee Riley; Catholic Foundation Board Members Sister Maria Teresa Acosta, Lori Tolland)

March is Women’s History Month, and National Women’s Day was March 8th. Here at the Catholic Foundation, we celebrate these remarkable women leaders, board members, and staff all year long:

Foundation Board
Sister Maria Teresa Acosta
Jessica Bracero
Dr. Erika Wikstrom
Lori Tolland
Karen Monteleone
Elisha Gonzalez
Wendy Mara

Planned Giving Advisory Council
Collen M. Duris, JD
Kathleen Hagerty, CAP®
Jaclyn Hall
Alyson Hoffman, JD
Amber Jade Johnson, JD
Wendy Mara
Becca Noonan

Foundation Leadership
Kimberlee Riley CAP®
Marta Sweeney
Madelyn Weed, CFRE, CAP®
Nia Herald

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