The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida is blessed to distribute four Growing Your Stewardship grants to staff and leaders in the Diocese of Orlando. This grant assists in alleviating the costs of their attendance in the 2024 International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Conference.

We congratulate our 2024 Growing Your Stewardship Grant recipients:

  • Father John Giel, Pastor at Divine Mercy Catholic Church.
  • Charlotte Funston, Principal at St. Peter Catholic School.
  • Jason Halstead, Parish Staff at Blessed Trinity Brother’s Keepers.
  • Claire Huff, Lay Finance/Stewardship Council  at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church.

The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida provides these grants from our Endowment to support our diocesan parishes and schools. This year the grant coverts the registration fee for the Conference and also a travel stipend of one thousand dollars for each applicant awarded the grant.

The ICSC Conference features an abundance of networking opportunities and 80 stewardship related sessions. The Conference sessions discuss topics ranging from “How to Increase Mass Attendance” to “Leveraging Technology to Empower Your Parish Mission”. The purpose of each session is to provide attendees with the tools and inspiration they need to serve those with whom they encounter, according to the ICSC.

Claire Huff said she wants to attend the Conference because “participating in the ICSC Conference would present an exceptional opportunity to share the knowledge of so many individuals in seeking better ways of communication with our new parishioners.”

The ICSC’s mission is to actively “foster an environment in which stewardship is understood, accepted, and practiced throughout the Catholic Church.” The theme for the 62nd Annual ICSC Conference is “Called to be Saints”.

We are grateful for all who submitted an application for this year’s grant. Our goal is to select a diverse group of lay and clergy representing parishes/schools with a focus on first-time attendees. Congratulations again to those who were selected this year.

Click here to learn more about the ICSC Conference, our grant opportunity, and how to apply for next year’s grant.

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