#CatholicGivingTuesday Messages
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida is exciting to partner with all our diocesan parishes, schools and ministries to bring awareness to the joy of philanthropy and the collective impact of charitable giving on our community on #CatholicGivingTuesday. Below you would find a repository of messages that you can use or customize to create your organizations #CatholicGivingTuesday social media posts, emails and other digital and printed collaterals. Again, these are simply suggestions to help as so many of you are strapped for time. If possible, we do encourage you to include language specific to your mission and ministry. (If you need assistance, please reach out to Jose R. Sola, Director of Digital Philanthropy or call (407) 246-4802.
Thank you for your participation and follow the 4 easy steps below!
Step 1: Organize your resources for sharing your message.
Step 2: Plan your communications.
Step 3: Get your community involved.
Step 4: Sending your communications.
Recommended communication dates:
Saturday, November 4th, 2023
Tuesday, November 14th, 2023
Saturday, November 25th, 2023
Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
As well as running newsletter announcements, bulletin announcements, and pulpit announcements.
For more additional resources and more detailed information CLICK HERE
Required Giving Tuesday Hashtags:
Hashtags for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.:
Hashtags for Instagram:
You can feel free to share our posts (see links below) and/or create your own.
The Catholic Foundation’s Social Media channel links below:
Leading up to #CatholicGivingTuesday:
It is recommended to share this announcement:
Email #3
Date to Send/Post: November 21, 2023
Theme: Catholic Giving Tuesday One Week Reminder
Subject: One week away!
If you are a Ministry:
The Big Day is approaching – Catholic Giving Tuesday!
As Catholics, we know how important it is to keep the ministries you believe in close to your heart and mind. We ask that today, on the lead-up to Catholic Giving Tuesday, you continue to hold our mission close as you prayerfully consider making a charitable gift to support our organization. With so many worthy causes to support, it can be difficult to decide – exactly what type of impact do I want to make? Who do I want to help, and how? Luckily, our Catholic Church supports the needs of entire communities – in the way of spiritual growth, social services, education, and more. A gift to support a Catholic ministry is a means to include all of God’s Kingdom in your charitable giving! We are called Catholic, meaning “universal.” Your gift to our organization will create the universal
impact you may be seeking. Please prayerfully consider our ministry in your celebration of Catholic Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is the annual global day of giving. Following Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, this day encourages and celebrates acts of generosity. In the Diocese of Orlando, we celebrate #CatholicGivingTuesday lifting up the collective impact we as Catholics have on our Central Florida community. On November 28th, we invite you to join us in raising awareness and supporting the incredible Catholic ministries serving the spiritual and corporal needs of the people as together we bring the world to its fullness of Charity. Click here to make your gift: https://www.cfocf.org/catholicgivingtuesday/
If you are a School:
As Catholics, we know how important it is to keep the causes you believe in close to your heart and mind. We ask that today, on the lead-up to Catholic Giving Tuesday, you continue to hold our mission close as you prayerfully consider making a charitable gift to support our organization. With so many worthy causes to support, it can be difficult to decide – exactly what type of impact do I want to make? Who do I want to help, and how? Luckily, our Catholic school supports the needs of entire communities – in the way of spiritual growth, education, and more. We are forming students who will change the world, impacting every part of society and sharing God’s goodness. A gift to support a Catholic school is a means to include all of God’s Kingdom in your charitable giving!
We are called Catholic, meaning “universal.” Your gift to our school will create the universal impact you may be seeking. Please prayerfully consider our school in your celebration of Catholic Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is the annual global day of giving. Following Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, this day encourages and celebrates acts of generosity. In the Diocese of Orlando, we celebrate #CatholicGivingTuesday lifting up the collective impact we as Catholics have on our Central
Florida community. On November 28th, we invite you to join us in raising awareness and supporting the incredible Catholic ministries serving the spiritual and corporal needs of the people as together we bring the world to its fullness of Charity. Click here to make your gift: https://www.cfocf.org/catholicgivingtuesday/
If you are a Parish:
As Catholics, we know how important it is to keep the values you believe in close to your heart and mind. We ask that today, on the lead-up to Catholic Giving Tuesday, you continue to hold our parish close as you prayerfully consider making a charitable gift to support our organization. With so many worthy causes to support, it can be difficult to decide – exactly what type of impact do I want to make? Who do I want to help, and how? Luckily, our parish supports the needs of entire communities – in the way of spiritual growth, social services, education, and more. A gift to support a Catholic parish is a means to include all of God’s Kingdom in your charitable giving! We are called Catholic, meaning “universal.” Your gift to our parish will create the universal impact you
may be seeking. Please prayerfully consider our parish in your celebration of Catholic Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is the annual global day of giving. Following Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, this day encourages and celebrates acts of generosity. In the Diocese of Orlando, we celebrate #CatholicGivingTuesday lifting up the collective impact we as Catholics have on our Central Florida community. On November 28th, we invite you to join us in raising awareness and supporting the
incredible Catholic ministries serving the spiritual and corporal needs of the people as together we bring the world to its fullness of Charity. Click here to make your gift: https://www.cfocf.org/catholicgivingtuesday/
Social Media Post #3
Can’t decide where to give on Catholic Giving Tuesday? Luckily, it can be easy to decide: our (parish/school/ministry) impacts many of the needs in our community and works to build brighter futures with Christ as our foundation. No need to pick just one cause to support – your gift to organization name can support many! Don’t forget to make your gift on or before November 28th Click here to make your gift: https://www.cfocf.org/catholicgivingtuesday/