Sharing God’s Bounty
We are called to return our blessings to God and your generosity impacts lives. Jesus is for us the supreme model of the good shepherd who guards His flock with a love so great that He is willing to lay down His life for even one sheep who is lost. In his role as a shepherd of God’s people, the Bishop of Orlando is called to serve as the living presence of Jesus Christ in Central Florida. The Shepherd’s Fund is intended to provide the Bishop with a supplementary source of funds for addressing pressing needs, special projects, or extraordinary circumstances that are not covered by the diocesan budget and for which no other revenue source is available. As an unrestricted resource, The Shepherd’s Fund will give the Bishop the capacity to respond to emergency situations as they arise and the flexibility to embrace opportunities that might otherwise be lost. To learn more about Legacy Gifts or Endowment Funds for the Shepherd’s Fund please contact Madelyn Weed or call (407) 246-7188. To make a tax-deductible donation now, please complete and submit the form below. Thank you for supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are grateful for our diocesan family.