“We do not get dignity from power or money or culture. We get dignity from work. Work is fundamental to the dignity of the person. Work, to use an image, ‘anoints’ with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us similar to God who has worked and still works, who always acts.”-Pope Francis
This month we recognized the dignity we gain in work through our national celebration of Labor Day. We are grateful for the opportunity to work and pray for all of God’s children to have access to this form of dignity. In the Catholic Church, liturgy is defined as public worship. This public worship is the work of Christ and our Church, and work which we are called to participate in as members of the Body of Christ. Through the liturgy we enter the Trinitarian dialogue by sharing in the Paschal mystery of Christ’s suffering, death, resurrection and ascension to the Father. God’s intention is not only for us to have dignity in our earthly life but also to participate in the divine life of the Trinity.
September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. We encourage everyone to reevaluate your existing life insurance policies or consider needs you may have for a policy to care for your loved ones. An annual review is a good idea – do you have or need a policy to meet your intended goals for the future of your family? You may not be aware, but life insurance policies can also be used as charitable tools. By designating your favorite nonprofit as a beneficiary you are able to provide for their future needs through a life insurance policy.
­­­­This month we also remembered the shock and disbelief we experienced on that fateful September 11 day. While it is painful to recall, this remembrance gives us the opportunity to recommit to the actions we started the day after because of the lessons we learned: fly our American flag proudly because our nation is one to be proud of; call our family and friends because life is fragile; talk with our coworkers because things can change in an instant; thank our first responders and their families because they risk their lives every day for others; and pray because the peace which passes all understanding only comes from God.
Kimberlee Riley CAP®
President & CEO
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